
This garden is coordinated by the Churchill Park Community Garden Collective a group of gardeners and community volunteers. We look forward to the upcoming season and hope that you will join our garden community. Please feel free to explore this website for more information.

If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact us at garden@opirg.ca.

About OPIRG McMaster

The Ontario Public Interest Research Group McMaster is a McMaster University campus- based non-profit, volunteer driven organization working on issues of social justice and the environment.

OPIRG organizes around issues of concern in working groups. Each working group is unique, but they all use consensus decision-making, non-violence, and anti-oppression principles. Working Groups are open to anyone interested in becoming active on important local and international issues.

For more information please visit the OPIRG McMaster website. 

You can contact OPIRG McMaster at opirg@mcmaster.ca or call (905) 525-9140 ext. 27289 or ext. 26026

As of June 1, 2011 OPIRG McMaster was granted the licence to the Churchill Park Community Garden property for a three year term. The Churchill Park Community Garden Collective was formed and coordinates the garden.